A cute video on an important topic.
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2wYfY3S
10 Steps To Finding A VBAC-Supportive Provider
“You are entirely entitled to make informed decisions about your provider and your medical care. Finding a supportive provider who is transparent about his or her policies and practices will make a huge difference in ensuring that the care you receive is positive, respectful, and evidence-based. After all, it’s your body, your baby, and your birth—and it matters.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2dnGPPJ
Intown Midwifery
For any Floridians or those of you who have pregnant friends evacuating Florida.
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2fbfhwk
Midwife Jennie Joseph Hurricane Irma Labor Tips
Good advice for moms who are at term in a hurricane or natural disaster.
“Don’t be scared. Be confident. Be safe.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnObuLevm1U
A Healing C Section Birth
“My c section birth story is one that proves that cesareans aren’t all bad. It even shows that they can be a healing experience after a traumatic first delivery. But I think the most important factor for a c section delivery is how the hospital handles it.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2wLy3Uk
My power went out and I have breastmilk in the freezer – Help! • KellyMom.com
From floods to fires to hurricanes, a lot of current natural disasters are bringing this topic to light.
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2xeaxRs
What Women About to Give Birth Need to Hear Most
“Studies show that women’s feelings about their birth had more to do with having choices, than specific details about the birth itself. Women are also less likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or suffer from birth trauma when presented with choices. Additionally, easier postpartum periods have been reported with supported birth. This is why we hear so much about the presence of doulas. It’s not only because doulas improve birth outcomes, but because they leave women feeling continuously comforted, acknowledged, and much more at ease during and after delivery.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2gB7M5n
Jamie Otis Shares Photo 3 Days After Giving Birth To Celebrate Her Mom Bod
“I love every bit of my postpartum body,” she writes. “It’s truly amazing how my body held create and carry and 8 lb 2 oz baby.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2j2t0K7