“The birth center was on pretty high ground. But shortly after Wood and her husband arrived on Saturday, the streets started to flood. The couple and the midwife buckled in for a long night. As Wood labored, the rain pounded down, and lightning and thunder rocked the building.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2vK4E9p
The Baby Was On Its Way. So Was The Hurricane.
“The birth center was on pretty high ground. But shortly after Wood and her husband arrived on Saturday, the streets started to flood. The couple and the midwife buckled in for a long night. As Wood labored, the rain pounded down, and lightning and thunder rocked the building.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2vK4E9p
A husband’s experience with VBAC and lessons learned
“Our doctor, Dr. W, was personable, professional, and most importantly very supportive. There was no talking down or psychological political play to try and convince us that our decision was not wise. I told him that if there was no real reason why the baby couldn’t come into this world naturally, then we wanted his support for a VBAC.
“He said he’d support our wishes as long as mom and baby were healthy, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) supported VBAC.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2x5sHUr
Locations | hmbana.org
If you have the ability and/or desire to donate breast milk to help mommas and babies in need in Texas, check out this resource:
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2g6j7cz
Locations | hmbana.org
If you have the ability and/or desire to donate breast milk to help mommas and babies in need in Texas, check out this resource:
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2g6j7cz
10 Common Questions About Labor and Delivery | Healthgrades
“Some long-held beliefs about having a baby are no longer valid–or never were. Giving birth is as individual as you are, so here are some answers to help set the record straight. “
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2wlLDvM
BEST Doula Training
For those of you who may be in the Houston area, or may have some pregnant friends there…
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2we5dvD
Photographer Gives Invaluable Gift to Incarcerated Mothers – Mothering
This is a really cool program and a really neat story.
“In addition to supporting the new moms and helping the mother-baby pair bond, a primary goal of the program is to reduce recidivism rates, the rates at which released inmates end up back in prison. Statistics show that the program is working. The recidivism rate for women who participate in the RPP is 10-12%, compared to the 40-50% of the general population.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://ift.tt/2wboVYJ