ACOG’s update on VBACs.
from Agape Birth Doula Services
Study: Breastfed Babies Have Lower Risk of Bowel Disease Later in Life – Mothering
An interesting study.
from Agape Birth Doula Services
6 Halloween Treats Without All The Sugar – Mothering
Halloween is upon us, as is the season of extra sweets and treats.
There are a lot of fun alternatives to all of the sugar. Here are a few.
from Agape Birth Doula Services
My 4 Favorite Babywearing Choices for a Newborn – Mothering
Considering babywearing?
from Agape Birth Doula Services
My 4 Favorite Babywearing Choices for a Newborn – Mothering
Considering babywearing?
from Agape Birth Doula Services
This Viral Photo Shows What Actually Happens To Your Bump When You Give Birth
The postpartum body is beautiful and has done amazing things. Be proud of your mommy stripes and the miracle that is your mommy body.
from Agape Birth Doula Services
from Agape Birth Doula Services
Kicking Tech to the Curb: The Importance of Disconnecting Kids – Mothering
Some screen time is okay, but what are some options to make sure our kids aren’t getting too much?
“While replacing screen time with any of these options is great, don’t underestimate the importance of boredom. Learning to exist in a space without influence, without constant stimulation, is just as important as being able to function in a stimulating environment. Today’s society bombards children with information at a startling rate—so much so that today’s brains consistently wire themselves to deal with new information at a much faster rate than ever before. While tempting to replace screen time with something else, consider occasionally replacing it with nothing instead.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services