“Realize that your child is growing in very positive ways by helping. The helping is good not just for you, but also for your child. He or she acquires valued skills and feelings of personal empowerment, self-worth, and belonging by contributing to the family welfare. At the same time, when allowed to help, the child’s inborn altruism is nourished, not quashed.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://bit.ly/2Qu5wdZ
Benefits of a Doula
“According to a 2017 Cochrane Database Systematic Review, ‘Continuous support in labor may improve a number of outcomes for both mother and baby, and no adverse outcomes have been identified. Continuous support from a person who is present solely to provide support, is not a member of the woman’s own network, is experienced in providing labor support, and has at least a modest amount of training (such as a doula), appears beneficial.’”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://bit.ly/2EDNIsh
Episiotomies are painful, risky and not routinely recommended. Dozens of hospitals are doing too many.
“That’s why national guidelines since 2006 have called for limiting the procedure to emergencies, such as when a baby’s shoulders get stuck. Although there is no national consensus on how frequently the procedure should be used, a leading hospital safety group recommends that the cuts should occur in no more than 5% of vaginal deliveries.
“But a USA TODAY analysis of hospital billing data finds dozens of hospitals in eight states with episiotomy rates of 20% or higher, some of them nearly double that.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://bit.ly/2I5gPpx
Breastfed Babies Have Better Cholesterol Profiles As Teens
I”n a study published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers in Hong Kong have found that exclusive breastfeeding in early infancy promoted a healthier lipid profile in late adolescence.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://bit.ly/2VVUS5M
And doula makes four: A look at the growing birthing trend
“Doulas offer evidence-based informational support, so if a woman’s preference is for epidural — which can slow labour — her doula would explain that using a peanut-shaped exercise ball between her legs widens the pelvis and progresses labour.
“But the doula doesn’t tell expectant mums what to do. Her role’s advisory, says Tighe.
“’We don’t speak for parents; we support them to ask questions. For example, many parents want a natural birth.
But baby has its own agenda. We help mums prepare for the birth they want, while giving them tools for the birth they get.'”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://bit.ly/2EocQTW
And doula makes four: A look at the growing birthing trend
“Doulas offer evidence-based informational support, so if a woman’s preference is for epidural — which can slow labour — her doula would explain that using a peanut-shaped exercise ball between her legs widens the pelvis and progresses labour.
“But the doula doesn’t tell expectant mums what to do. Her role’s advisory, says Tighe.
“’We don’t speak for parents; we support them to ask questions. For example, many parents want a natural birth.
But baby has its own agenda. We help mums prepare for the birth they want, while giving them tools for the birth they get.'”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://bit.ly/2EocQTW
And doula makes four: A look at the growing birthing trend
“Doulas offer evidence-based informational support, so if a woman’s preference is for epidural — which can slow labour — her doula would explain that using a peanut-shaped exercise ball between her legs widens the pelvis and progresses labour.
“But the doula doesn’t tell expectant mums what to do. Her role’s advisory, says Tighe.
“’We don’t speak for parents; we support them to ask questions. For example, many parents want a natural birth.
But baby has its own agenda. We help mums prepare for the birth they want, while giving them tools for the birth they get.'”
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://bit.ly/2EocQTW
So Sweet
from Agape Birth Doula Services http://bit.ly/2EfmfNu