Really great info, written from a Dad’s perspective.
from Agape Birth Doula Services
The Doula-Dad Connection – The Birth Dad
Really great info, written from a Dad’s perspective.
from Agape Birth Doula Services
‘Why did you cut her?! She didn’t give you permission to do that.’ My blood boiled. He just stared, his face blank.’: Doctor performs episiotomy on mother without her permission during childbirth because he had ‘somewhere to be at 7 p.m.’
“This story is for the mother who feels broken beyond repair. You’re not, girl. You’re a fighter. You’re amazing. You ARE what your kids need. You’re worth getting help. You’re worth fighting for it. Help is out there. Just keep searching and keep fighting for the time and the space to work on you because that strength and healing is going to have a positive ripple effect in your life that will continue on through your kids and beyond.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services
C-Section Babies Are Missing Key Microbes
“How a baby is born has a profound impact on their microbiome — the community of microbes that colonize the body.
“That’s the finding of the largest ever study of the newborn microbiome, which offers the strongest evidence yet that children born through the vaginal canal carry different microbes than those delivered by caesarean section. Newborns delivered by c-section, the study found, tend to lack strains of gut bacteria found in healthy children and adults. Instead, their guts harbour harmful microbes that are common in hospitals.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services
I just love these pregnancy reveals! They always bring a smile to my face. ☺️
from Agape Birth Doula Services
I just love these pregnancy reveals! They always bring a smile to my face. ☺️
from Agape Birth Doula Services
We Need to Talk About PTSD in NICU Parents
“You see, more than 40 percent of NICU mums experience postnatal depression (compared to 5-10 percent of mothers who deliver at full-term without complication) and more than half report symptoms of anxiety and PTSD.”
from Agape Birth Doula Services
Birth Becomes Her
Midwives are amazing people and I am so honored to work with them and learn from them!
Happy National Midwifery Week!
from Agape Birth Doula Services