What is the Body Ready Method®?
Whether you’re a current doula client or simply a Momma looking to have an easier, more comfortable pregnancy and to more intentionally prepare for your birth, BRM® is available for you!

Body Ready Method® is based on 5 pillars: Upper Body Mobility, Core, Pelvis, Pelvic floor and Movement Patterns. Incorporating these pillars into your movement during pregnancy can help you:
- Have a more efficient birth
- Minimize pregnancy aches and pains
- Optimize recovery
- Minimize unnecessary abdominal separation and pelvic floor dysfunction
- Optimize pelvic floor responsiveness
- Work smarter not harder!
As a Certified Body Ready Method® Pro…
- I have a deep understanding of how to help you prepare for your desired birth.
- I can help you address and minimize pregnancy-related aches and pains.
- I can support you in experiencing a smooth transition into recovery and postpartum.
- I can more intentionally support you during labor and delivery with intentional recommendations for positioning and comfort measures.
Why I chose to become a Certified BRM® Pro…
During my time as a doula, I attended some births where I wished I understood more about what was going on with the baby, and based on that, what I could have specifically done or suggested to help mom and her baby have an easier time. Sure, I had general things that I could do to promote comfort and to hopefully ease birth, but I always wished I could be more intentional about how I was helping.
Body Ready Method® helped me do this! My BRM® Pro certification has helped me really dive deep into understanding the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and birth. I now have a much deeper understanding about how the upper body and core are connected to the pelvis and pelvic floor, and how having good alignment throughout these areas of the body can really help one feel better throughout pregnancy and be more prepared for birth.
If a woman wants to apply Body Ready Method® practices during her pregnancy, I can do an assessment with her prenatally, and then give her individualized exercises and/or movements she can work on during pregnancy to help her with alignment and prenatal prep.
My BRM® Pro status also applies to labor and delivery. I now have very specific movements and positions that I can suggest to a mom in specific situations that may arise during labor to help her ease the process. These suggestions can help the baby descend more quickly and/or rotate into better positioning for birth.
I am so excited to have these tools in my proverbial toolbox that I can share with my clients to help them have a smoother pregnancy, delivery, and transition into postpartum.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Body Ready Method®, please reach out!

Body Ready Method® Options
Initial Assessment – $95
- Personalized assessment based on the 5 BRM® pillars – upper body, core, pelvis, pelvic floor, and movement patterns – to help determine areas of discomfort, tightness, and/or misalignment in your body.
- Based on this assessment I will provide exercises, activities, and ideas for movement in daily life that address your specific needs to help you feel more comfortable, and to help prepare your body for birth and/or an easier transition to the postpartum period.
- Appointment can take place in office at Trusted Care or at your home if you live in the Atchison area. Virtual appointments available.
Follow-up Appointment – $60
- Review of previous appointment(s) and assessment how things have been going.
- Updated recommendations for exercises, activities, and movements specific to your needs to continue to improve balance throughout your body, and to help prepare your body for birth and/or an easier transition to the postpartum period.
- Appointment(s) can take place in-office at Trusted Care or at your home if you live in the Atchison area. Virtual appointments available.
Birth Doula Package Add-on – $150 (For current Agape Birth Doula clients)
- Initial Assessment appointment
- 2 follow-up appointments.
- Follow-ups can be used prenatally and/or postpartum
If you’re interested in learning more about the Body Ready Method®, please reach out!